From Thu Feb 13 16:24:01 2020 From: "Wendy Warr wendy/./" To: CCL Subject: CCL: ACS Meeting Report Message-Id: <-53971-200213152734-30455-fbi7IoRxfdOae+RkE59nrw^_^> X-Original-From: "Wendy Warr" Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 15:27:32 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Wendy Warr" [wendy^] Chemical Information and Computation 2019, Number Two. 258th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, August 25-29, 2019 I am excited to announce the publication of the 54th report in my renowned series of ACS meeting reports. My reports are essential reading if you want to keep up to date with recent developments in cheminformatics and computational chemistry. License the current report and you will benefit from reading technical presentations on AI and organic synthesis, text mining and natural language processing, chemical representation, and Google BigQuery and related topics. For completeness, I have also included my reports on the Herman Skolnik Award Symposium honoring Kimito Funatsu, and on the symposium entitled One million crystal structures: a wealth of structural chemistry knowledge. I have transcribed all the talks in detail, and have added value by including web links, expanding abbreviations, correcting errors, and carefully checking 270 literature references. You will also want to keep up to date with industry news: the report starts with about 50 pages of news from the second half of 2019, covering people, awards, and recent developments at 60 organizations in the computational chemistry, cheminformatics, chemical information, and publishing markets. As a bonus, there is an appendix with the posters presented by the winner of the ACS CINF scholarship for scientific excellence, plus four posters that were presented at other 2019 meetings. All this at a very reasonable price, with a 50% discount for academia and government. Moreover, for only double the price you can share the report with hundreds, or even thousands of colleagues within your organization. You can see the contents list at Order forms are available from Dr. Wendy A. Warr Wendy Warr & Associates 6 Berwick Court, Holmes Chapel Cheshire, CW4 7HZ, England Tel./Fax +44 (0)1477 533837 Skype: wendyannewarr Twitter: %a%WendyAnneWarr From Thu Feb 13 19:05:01 2020 From: "Abraham Wang awang*o*" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Free Webinar: New Therapies through Targeted Protein Degradation Message-Id: <-53972-200213174021-31723-fG80lLPCIk6fQC9e8hWKaw^_^> X-Original-From: "Abraham Wang" Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 17:40:19 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Abraham Wang" [] Please join us in this upcoming free webinar: PROTAC Developing New Therapies through Targeted Protein Degradation Wednesday, March 11th at 9:00 am PDT, 12:00 pm EDT and 16:00 GMT The webinar will be a discussion with professors Eric Fischer and Nathanael Gray of Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Andy Phillips (CEO, C4 Therapeutics) on a trending technology, PROteolysis TArgeting Chimera (PROTAC), which offers a new way to target disease states while expanding what diseases are now druggable. The event is hosted by Collaborative Drug Discovery. Reserve your seat now! Stay curious, Team CDD