From Wed May 31 01:16:01 2017 From: "Tian Lu sobereva(-)" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: Using GDMA with molden file Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: "Tian Lu" Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 01:13:07 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Tian Lu" [sobereva!^!] Dear Amr Hamed, Multiwfn ( is able to load Molden input file, and its subfunction 2 of main function 100 can export wavefunction to .fch format, therefore Multiwfn can be used as a .molden->.fch converter. Please have a try. Please note that the .molden input file outputted by Terachem may be not fully compatible with Multiwfn (.molden file outputted by a lot of programs is not standard. Since I am not a Termchem user I am unable to check the compatiblity). In this case you should use Molden2AIM program to standardize the .molden file first, and then load the newly generated .molden file to Multiwfn. -------------------------------- Best wishes, Dr. Tian Lu ----- Original Message ----- > From: "amr hamed dramr83 .." Subject: CCL:G: Using GDMA with molden file Date: 2017-05-31 07:50 Sent to CCL by: "amr hamed" [dramr83 .] Dear all, I am looking for a way to use Stone's GDMA with a molden file created by Terachem. I know that molden can be converted to wfn or wfx using molden2aim however GDMA accepts only fchk (gaussian formatted check file) as an input. With best regards, Amr Hamed From Wed May 31 14:23:00 2017 From: "Marcel Swart" To: CCL Subject: CCL: DFT17poll has started Message-Id: <-52819-170531140434-3245-mECEtd1PPRgNec1/1COwSQ,+,> X-Original-From: "Marcel Swart" Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 14:04:32 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Marcel Swart" [] The 2017 edition of the Annual DFT Popularity Poll HAS STARTED. Your preferences for the poll can be entered at or directly at This year's edition continues with the new format of having three questions. With the third question participants can indicate for each functional on the list (both Primera and Segona Divisi 2017), what is their preference for a total of 11 properties (see also Rule #8): Reaction barriers Vibrational frequencies, Normal modes, Thermodynamics Dispersion energy, - stacking Hydrogen bonds Excitation energies and chiroptical properties Main group elements Transition metals Relativistic elements NMR shieldings, NMR couplings Geometries Spin-state splittings For each of these properties one can choose between the following five preferences: ++ Love it ; + Like it ; 0 Neutral ; - Dislike it ; -- Hate it (only for the third question) If wanted one can save the (partial) answers, and then continue later. This has been added to enable one to respond to the third question in all time that is needed. As usual the poll ends on October 1, after which a news item will be published with the 2017 results, and the full results will be made available through (just as was done for the 2010-2016 editions). Best regards, Marcel Swart Matthias Bickelhaupt Miquel Duran