From Fri Jan 27 01:58:00 2012 From: "Krati Joshi kjjulie.joshi ~" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Basis set superposition error Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: "Krati Joshi" Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 01:56:19 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Krati Joshi" [] Dear all, Can anybody tell me how to improve the basis set superposition error? It will help me in my work. Thanks in advance. With Regards Krati Joshi Catalysis Division NCL, pune, India From Fri Jan 27 04:24:00 2012 From: "Vera Cathrine vera.cathrine{:}" To: CCL Subject: CCL: G03: CASSCF warning: large rotation of orbitals Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: "Vera Cathrine" Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 04:22:06 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Vera Cathrine" [vera.cathrine-] Dear All, I want to do a CAS calculations. I have two minimum, one planar and one twisted minimum in the excited state.. I have obtained the CAS orbitals for a planar minimum. I want to read the initial CAS orbitals to a twisted structure (from chk). If I want to change the structure abruptly I will have a lot of warning due to the large rotation of orbitals. I am thinking of obtaining the intermediate structures between these two extreme structure by interpolation. Then I can use a multi-step job to damp the orbitals from planar structure to twisted structure step by step for limited number of structures in between. I dont know is there any keywords for example in QST2 to just find the interpolated structures but not optimize the structure. It would be efficient if I can ask for limited number of intermediate structures between my two extreme structures. I think I can get rid of the large orbital rotation warning by using this trick. I would appreciate any suggestion in this regard. Kind regards, Vera From Fri Jan 27 09:27:01 2012 From: "Rebecca Wade" To: CCL Subject: CCL: 6th EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation Message-Id: <-46206-120127092425-18963-K0H6fmH09svLzZmAjboa7w]|[> X-Original-From: "Rebecca Wade" Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 09:24:23 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Rebecca Wade" [rebecca.wade(-)] The 6th EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation will take place from May 17 to 24, 2012 at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. The course topics will include: Molecular and Brownian dynamics simulation, QM/MM, Monte Carlo techniques, coarse grain modelling, electrostatics, free energy calculations, docking and structure prediction. Course organizers: Michael Nilges (Pasteur Institute, Paris) Rebecca Wade (HITS, Heidelberg) Course lecturers: Arnaud Blondel Konrad Hinsen Tru Huynh John Irwin Richard Lavery Adrian Mulholland Therese Malliavin Michael Nilges Jay Ponder Benoit Roux Tom Simonson Florence Tama Rebecca Wade Registration forms and course details are at: Registration deadline: 1 March 2012 --- Rebecca Wade Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Germany