From Mon Sep 19 07:59:00 2011 From: "krati joshi kjjulie.joshi/./" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: Problem in preparing a proper input geometry for ONIOM calculations Message-Id: <-45478-110919075706-29377-ml7wDo7lnGCCvO5H0WS/1A,> X-Original-From: krati joshi Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0016e6d77cf829aae604ad4a0a26 Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 17:26:56 +0530 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: krati joshi [kjjulie.joshi,] --0016e6d77cf829aae604ad4a0a26 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hello sir, Thanks for the suggestion. I checked the output file but i found that all the values are ok. I am providing you small portion of my output file as follows- Eigenvalue 256 is 5.23D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: D3195 D1317 D1333 D1325 D1337 1 0.48429 0.36738 -0.30987 -0.29524 -0.29485 D3203 D1321 D3207 D3197 R11 1 -0.27254 0.26387 -0.20482 -0.19972 -0.16424 Eigenvalue 257 is 4.63D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: D1325 D3199 D1329 D3201 D3207 1 0.53407 0.39381 -0.37243 -0.36063 -0.30389 D1337 D1333 R11 D3195 D3203 1 -0.23305 -0.18893 -0.14606 0.10917 -0.09532 Eigenvalue 258 is 4.06D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: D1333 D1329 D1317 D1325 D3199 1 0.60892 -0.34587 0.31007 -0.29786 0.22521 D3203 D1321 R11 R6 D3207 1 -0.21351 -0.20886 -0.18784 -0.15529 -0.15423 Eigenvalue 259 is 2.81D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: D1329 D3197 D3203 D3205 R16 1 0.35545 0.34698 -0.30807 0.30120 -0.26150 D1317 D3201 R17 D1325 R4 1 -0.21696 -0.21311 -0.21273 -0.19237 -0.18615 Eigenvalue 260 is 2.31D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: D1341 D1321 D1325 D3205 D1317 1 0.45403 0.42095 -0.30288 -0.28021 -0.27618 D1329 D3199 R11 D3207 R6 1 -0.26705 0.24524 0.20178 -0.16533 0.16409 Eigenvalue 261 is 1.79D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: R16 R17 R13 R12 D3199 1 0.43305 0.39082 0.25109 -0.23849 0.21929 R11 R4 D1337 D1317 D3201 1 -0.18287 0.17637 0.17231 -0.16282 -0.15542 Eigenvalue 262 is 1.53D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: R11 R4 D3201 D1317 R7 1 0.72761 0.28931 -0.19429 0.16647 0.14439 D3203 D1341 D3207 R13 D3205 1 -0.14225 -0.13633 -0.13097 0.12776 0.12450 Eigenvalue 263 is 1.07D-07 should be less than 0.000000 Eigenvector: R13 R6 R17 R8 R22 1 0.50511 -0.49306 -0.28162 0.19005 -0.16163 R24 R14 R27 R18 D1321 1 0.15881 -0.15067 0.14746 -0.13866 0.13633 NTrRot= 4233 NTRed= 4479 NAtoms= 84 NSkip= 4233 IsLin=F Error in internal coordinate system. Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/raj/gaussian09//g09/l103.exe at Sun Sep 18 03:24:21 2011. Job cpu time: 0 days 8 hours 41 minutes 38.2 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 818 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 270 Scr= 1 My input file looks like- %mem=2500MB %chk=Q025-ONICAL2-70.chk #p opt oniom(b3lyp/dgdzvp:uff) nosymm geom=connect Q025-cal2-70 0 1 0 1 0 1 Si-Si3 0 -0.36206632 0.54077205 -0.51931236 H O-O_2 0 1.19460468 0.78686805 -0.06577136 H O-O_2 0 -1.20290432 0.77435105 0.88184164 H O-O_2 0 -0.44703432 -1.04638495 -0.95862036 H O-O_2 0 -0.84419432 1.59445505 -1.69660236 H If u have some time pls look into the matter and give me some suggestions pls.Thanks in advance. Krati Joshi NCL Pune > --0016e6d77cf829aae604ad4a0a26 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 PGRpdj5IZWxsbyBzaXIsPC9kaXY+CjxkaXY+oKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoCBUaGFua3MgZm9yIHRoZSBz dWdnZXN0aW9uLiBJIGNoZWNrZWQgdGhlIG91dHB1dCBmaWxlIGJ1dCBpIGZvdW5kIHRoYXSgYWxs IHRoZSB2YWx1ZXMgYXJlIG9rLiBJIGFtIHByb3ZpZGluZyB5b3Ugc21hbGwgcG9ydGlvbiBvZiBt eSBvdXRwdXQgZmlsZaAgPC9kaXY+CjxkaXY+oKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoCBhcyBmb2xsb3dzLTwvZGl2 Pgo8ZGl2PqA8L2Rpdj4KPGRpdj6gRWlnZW52YWx1ZaCgIDI1NiBpc6CgIDUuMjNELTA3IHNob3Vs ZCBiZSBsZXNzIHRoYW6goKCgIDAuMDAwMDAwIEVpZ2VudmVjdG9yOjxicj6goKCgoKCgoKCgoKCg oKCgoKCgoKCgoKAgRDMxOTWgoKCgIEQxMzE3oKCgoCBEMTMzM6CgoKAgRDEzMjWgoKCgIEQxMzM3 PGJyPqCgIDGgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgIDAuNDg0MjmgoCAwLjM2NzM4oCAtMC4zMDk4N6Ag LTAuMjk1MjSgIC0wLjI5NDg1PGJyPgqgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKAgRDMyMDOgoKCg IEQxMzIxoKCgoCBEMzIwN6CgoKAgRDMxOTegoKCgoCBSMTE8YnI+oKAgMaCgoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCg oKCgoCAtMC4yNzI1NKCgIDAuMjYzODegIC0wLjIwNDgyoCAtMC4xOTk3MqAgLTAuMTY0MjQ8YnI+ 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bmU8L2Rpdj4KPGRpdj6gPC9kaXY+CjxkaXY+oDwvZGl2Pgo8ZGl2PqA8L2Rpdj4KPGRpdj6gPC9k aXY+CjxkaXY+oDxicj48YnI+PC9kaXY+CjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9ImdtYWlsX3F1b3RlIj4KPGJsb2Nr cXVvdGUgc3R5bGU9IkJPUkRFUi1MRUZUOiAjY2NjIDFweCBzb2xpZDsgTUFSR0lOOiAwcHggMHB4 IDBweCAwLjhleDsgUEFERElORy1MRUZUOiAxZXgiIGNsYXNzPSJnbWFpbF9xdW90ZSI+PGJyPgo8 ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSJnbWFpbF9xdW90ZSI+CjxkaXY+CjxkaXY+PC9kaXY+PC9kaXY+PC9kaXY+PC9i bG9ja3F1b3RlPjwvZGl2Pgo= --0016e6d77cf829aae604ad4a0a26-- From Mon Sep 19 10:33:01 2011 From: "A. anglea a.anglea90-" To: CCL Subject: CCL: WFA program Message-Id: <-45479-110919103158-31099-MmidQXK+hcnisbdZze8wDg,+,> X-Original-From: "A. anglea" Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:31:52 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "A. anglea" [a.anglea90-$] Hi All I am looking for WFA prgram, I couldn't find any information/website/tutorial on it. I would be grateful if you could tell me from where I can download it and how to use it. Cheers From Mon Sep 19 12:27:00 2011 From: "Jason D Acchioli" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Pure DFT functionals and ORCA Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: "Jason D'Acchioli" Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_A715F733-AEF5-4111-93C5-E673BB9BCCE2" Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 11:25:32 -0500 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v1244.3) Sent to CCL by: "Jason D'Acchioli" [jdacchio|] --Apple-Mail=_A715F733-AEF5-4111-93C5-E673BB9BCCE2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Hi all, I tried both NRSCF and AHSCF in ORCA, but I still have SCF = problems. I'll try NWChem when I get the chance, but I don't see why = this wouldn't work in ORCA. Any more thoughts?=20 Jason On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Olexandr Isayev = wrote: > Jason: >=20 > DIIS is usually robust enough for most "normal" molecules.=20 > Perhaps, yours is unlucky one, please try NRSCF or AHSCF instead. >=20 >=20 > Hopefully, this will help, > Olexandr >=20 >=20 > ________________________________ > Olexandr Isayev, Ph.D. > =20 > Department of Chemistry > Case Western Reserve University > 10900 Euclid Avenue > Cleveland, OH 44106-7078 USA >=20 > Phone: 769 218-9812 > Fax: 216 368-3006 >=20 > >=20 >=20 >=20 > On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:25, Jason D Acchioli jdacchio[a] = wrote: > Diego, Frank, and John, >=20 > Many thanks for your suggestions. I tried Frank's suggestion, = and things were going smoothly until about SCF cycle 25, where the wild = oscillations again took over. I used the VerySlowConv keyword as well. = Any more thoughts? >=20 > Jason >=20 > On Sep 15, 2011, at 3:38 AM, Frank Neese = wrote: >=20 >> Dear Diego,=20 >>=20 >> That is - in principle - correct,=20 >>=20 >> But what Jason should have done is to specify it like:=20 >>=20 >> ! RKS PW91 ZORA def2-SVP def2-SVP/J TightSCF PrintMOs Grid5 >>=20 >> The "ZORA" in the input line is important so that ORCA uses the = relativistically recontracted all electron basis sets. Of course, = alternatively one could use ECPs. The rest of the %rel block is just = duplicating defaults and is not necessary.=20 >>=20 >> Good luck, >> FN >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >>=20 >> Am 15.09.2011 um 09:25 schrieb DIEGOI GOMEZ darkego21(-) >>=20 >>> Hello Jason.. >>>=20 >>> I'm missing the ECP for the Pd atoms in the input file you provide = us. >>> =20 >>> To my knowledge, the def2-TZVP is not an all electron basis set, = then you would have to add in your input something like = 'ECP{def2-TZVP=3DPd}' to use in ORCA the ECP that the program uses for = this atom by default. Without the ECP you can get a result but probably = (if not surely) it will be wrong! >>>=20 >>> Regards.. >>>=20 >>> Diego. >>>=20 >>>> Hi all, >>>>=20 >>>> I posted the following question on the ORCA forum, but haven't = heard anything (yet), so I'll throw it out here. The output file is = below the message.=20 >>>>=20 >>>> Jason >>>>=20 >>>> Hi all,=20 >>>>=20 >>>> I'm trying to run a single point / TDDFT calc on a metal-organic = system. However, the SCF does not converge after 125 cycles. I've tried = the PBE, RPBE, and revPBE XC functionals, and the same thing happens-I = get an oscillating SCF cycle. The same thing happens when I try the = hybrid B3LYP/G functional and the RIJCOSX approximation. However, if I = do a B3LYP/G without the RIJCOSX, convergence is fine.=20 >>>> What am I doing wrong? If it is a problem with RI, can I still use = any of PW91 or PBE XC functionals (which, I believe, require auxiliary = basis sets?)? The input is attached as a zip file.=20 >>>>=20 >>>> Thanks,=20 >>>>=20 >>>> Jason >>>>=20 >>>> !RKS PW91 def2-SVP def2-SVP/J TightSCF PrintMOs Grid5 >>>> %output >>>> Print[P_OrbPopMO_M] 1 >>>> Print[P_FragPopMO_M] 1 >>>> end >>>> %rel method ZORA #or IORA >>>> modelpot 1,1,1,1 >>>> modeldens rhoZORA >>>> velit 137.0359895 #speed of light used >>>> end >>>> %tddft nroots 15 >>>> maxdim 64 >>>> end >>>> ! PAL4 >>>> * xyz 0 1 >>>> H(1) -4.56675 -2.48229 -0.00028 >>>> C(1) -4.57359 -1.39699 -0.00028 >>>> C(1) -5.77738 -0.69952 -0.00035 >>>> H(1) -6.71624 -1.24540 -0.00040 >>>> C(1) -5.77739 0.69938 -0.00034 >>>> H(1) -6.71628 1.24523 -0.00039 >>>> C(1) -4.57363 1.39688 -0.00028 >>>> H(1) -4.56682 2.48218 -0.00029 >>>> C(1) -3.34414 0.71339 -0.00022 >>>> C(1) -2.12293 1.43662 -0.00018 >>>> C(1) -3.34412 -0.71346 -0.00021 >>>> C(1) -2.12289 -1.43666 -0.00014 >>>> C(1) -1.05872 2.02393 -0.00013 >>>> C(1) 0.16183 2.74774 -0.00010 >>>> C(1) -1.05866 -2.02394 -0.00006 >>>> C(1) 0.16190 -2.74772 -0.00004 >>>> C(1) 0.16567 4.15310 -0.00038 >>>> C(1) 0.16578 -4.15308 -0.00027 >>>> H(1) -0.78318 -4.67691 -0.00043 >>>> C(1) 1.37444 -4.83715 -0.00028 >>>> H(1) -0.78331 4.67691 -0.00066 >>>> C(1) 1.37431 4.83720 -0.00031 >>>> C(1) 2.56419 4.10860 0.00002 >>>> H(1) 1.38849 5.92301 -0.00055 >>>> C(1) 2.49611 2.71947 0.00026 >>>> H(1) 3.53196 4.59786 0.00008 >>>> N(1) 1.33136 2.05360 0.00019 >>>> H(1) 3.38890 2.10605 0.00051 >>>> C(1) 2.56430 -4.10851 -0.00008 >>>> H(1) 1.38865 -5.92296 -0.00045 >>>> C(1) 2.49618 -2.71939 0.00013 >>>> H(1) 3.53208 -4.59774 -0.00008 >>>> N(1) 1.33141 -2.05354 0.00016 >>>> H(1) 3.38895 -2.10595 0.00028 >>>> Pd(2) 1.33817 -0.00000 0.00023 newgto = "def2-TZVP" "def2-TZVP/J" end >>>> Cl(3) 1.43325 -0.00001 -2.35531 >>>> Cl(3) 1.43091 0.00002 2.35584 >>>> * >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>> ******************************************* >>>> Jason D'Acchioli >>>> Assistant Professor of Chemistry >>>> University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point >>>> 2001 Fourth Avenue >>>> Stevens Point, WI 54481 >>>> >>>>=20 >>>>=20 >>>=20 >>> ******************************************* >>> Jason D'Acchioli >>> Assistant Professor of Chemistry >>> University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point >>> 2001 Fourth Avenue >>> Stevens Point, WI 54481 >>> >>>=20 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>>=20 >>=20 >=20 > ******************************************* > Jason D'Acchioli > Assistant Professor of Chemistry > University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point > 2001 Fourth Avenue > Stevens Point, WI 54481 > >=20 >=20 >=20 ******************************************* Jason D'Acchioli Assistant Professor of Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2001 Fourth Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481 --Apple-Mail=_A715F733-AEF5-4111-93C5-E673BB9BCCE2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 I tried both NRSCF and AHSCF in = ORCA, but I still have SCF problems. I'll try NWChem when I get the = chance, but I don't see why this wouldn't work in ORCA. Any more = thoughts? 


On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Olexandr Isayev = wrote:


DIIS is usually robust enough for most = "normal" molecules.
Perhaps, yours is unlucky one, please try NRSCF = or AHSCF instead.

Hopefully, this will = help,

Olexandr Isayev, = Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
Case Western Reserve = University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7078 = USA

Phone:   769 218-9812
Fax:    =    216 368-3006

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:25, Jason D Acchioli = jdacchio[a] <>= ; wrote:
Diego, Frank, and = John,

= Many thanks for your suggestions. I tried Frank's suggestion, and = things were going smoothly until about SCF cycle 25, where the wild = oscillations again took over. I used the VerySlowConv keyword as well. = Any more thoughts?


On Sep 15, 2011, at = 3:38 AM, Frank Neese wrote:

Dear Diego, 

That is - in principle - = correct, 

But what Jason should have done is to = specify it like: 

! RKS PW91 ZORA def2-SVP = def2-SVP/J TightSCF PrintMOs Grid5

The "ZORA" in the input line is important so that = ORCA uses the relativistically recontracted all electron basis sets. Of = course, alternatively one could use ECPs. The rest of the %rel block is = just duplicating defaults and is not necessary. 

Good = luck,

Am 15.09.2011 um 09:25 schrieb DIEGOI GOMEZ darkego21(-)

Hello Jason..

I'm missing the ECP for the Pd atoms in = the input file you provide us.
To my knowledge, the = def2-TZVP is not an all electron basis set, then you would have to add = in your input  something like  'ECP{def2-TZVP=3DPd}' to use in = ORCA the ECP that the program uses for this atom by = default. Without the ECP you can get a result but probably (if not = surely) it will be wrong!



Hi all,

I posted the following question = on the ORCA forum, but haven't heard anything (yet), so I'll throw it = out here. The output file is below the message. 


Hi all, 

I'm trying to run a = single point / TDDFT calc on a metal-organic system. However, the SCF = does not converge after 125 cycles. I've tried the PBE, RPBE, and revPBE = XC functionals, and the same thing happens-I get an oscillating SCF = cycle. The same thing happens when I try the hybrid B3LYP/G functional = and the RIJCOSX approximation. However, if I do a B3LYP/G without the = RIJCOSX, convergence is fine. 
What am I doing wrong? = If it is a problem with RI, can I still use any of PW91 or PBE XC = functionals (which, I believe, require auxiliary basis sets?)? The input = is attached as a zip file. 



!RKS PW91 def2-SVP def2-SVP/J = TightSCF PrintMOs Grid5
Print[P_OrbPopMO_M] = 1
Print[P_FragPopMO_M] = 1
%rel method ZORA #or = IORA
modelpot 1,1,1,1
modeldens = rhoZORA
velit 137.0359895 #speed of = light used
%tddft nroots = 15
maxdim = 64
! = PAL4
* = xyz 0 1
H(1)   =       -4.56675       -2.48229   =     -0.00028
C(1)       =   -4.57359       -1.39699       = -0.00028
C(1)   =       -5.77738       -0.69952   =     -0.00035
H(1)       =   -6.71624       -1.24540       = -0.00040
C(1)   =       -5.77739        0.69938   =     -0.00034
H(1)       =   -6.71628        1.24523       = -0.00039
C(1)   =       -4.57363        1.39688   =     -0.00028
H(1)       =   -4.56682        2.48218       = -0.00029
C(1)   =       -3.34414        0.71339   =     -0.00022
C(1)       =   -2.12293        1.43662       = -0.00018
C(1)   =       -3.34412       -0.71346   =     -0.00021
C(1)       =   -2.12289       -1.43666       = -0.00014
C(1)   =       -1.05872        2.02393   =     -0.00013
C(1)       =    0.16183        2.74774     =   -0.00010
C(1)   =       -1.05866       -2.02394   =     -0.00006
C(1)       =    0.16190       -2.74772       = -0.00004
C(1)   =        0.16567        4.15310 =       -0.00038
C(1)       =    0.16578       -4.15308       = -0.00027
H(1)   =       -0.78318       -4.67691   =     -0.00043
C(1)       =    1.37444       -4.83715       = -0.00028
H(1)   =       -0.78331        4.67691   =     -0.00066
C(1)       =   1.37431        4.83720       = -0.00031
C(1)   =        2.56419        4.10860 =        0.00002
H(1)       =    1.38849        5.92301     =   -0.00055
C(1)   =        2.49611        2.71947 =        0.00026
H(1)       =    3.53196        4.59786     =    0.00008
N(1)   =        1.33136        2.05360 =        0.00019
H(1)       =    3.38890        2.10605     =    0.00051
C(1)   =        2.56430       -4.10851   =     -0.00008
H(1)       =    1.38865       -5.92296       = -0.00045
C(1)   =        2.49618       -2.71939   =      0.00013
H(1)       =    3.53208       -4.59774       = -0.00008
N(1)   =        1.33141       -2.05354   =      0.00016
H(1)       =    3.38895       -2.10595       =  0.00028
Pd(2)   =       1.33817       -0.00000     =    0.00023 newgto "def2-TZVP" "def2-TZVP/J" = end
Cl(3)   =       1.43325       -0.00001     =   -2.35531
Cl(3)       =   1.43091        0.00002       =  2.35584

Jason = D'Acchioli
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of = Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2001 Fourth Avenue
Stevens Point, WI = 54481

*************= ******************************
Jason D'Acchioli
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of = Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2001 Fourth Avenue
Stevens Point, WI = 54481


Jason D'Acchioli
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of = Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2001 Fourth Avenue
Stevens Point, WI = 54481

= --Apple-Mail=_A715F733-AEF5-4111-93C5-E673BB9BCCE2-- From Mon Sep 19 15:32:00 2011 From: "Wang, Yixuan" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Pure DFT functionals and ORCA Message-Id: <-45481-110919152400-13889-HPX2Rwt9q5nYQeRkWcA16Q[A]> X-Original-From: "Wang, Yixuan" Content-Language: en-US Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_FDCE932536422147B5592DDC55D653842B8B19E3EXCH02asuramsed_" Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 19:23:45 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: "Wang, Yixuan" [|*|] --_000_FDCE932536422147B5592DDC55D653842B8B19E3EXCH02asuramsed_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I did not well follow your question and answers. If you have not tried Slow= Conv, may try; otherwise need to adjust your initial geometry. Good luck. Yixuan Wang, Ph.D Associate Professor Department of Natural Science Albany State University Albany, GA 31705 Tel: 229-430-7843 > From:!^! [mailto:owner-ch=!^!] On Behalf Of Jason D Acchioli= Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 12:26 PM To: Wang, Yixuan Subject: CCL: Pure DFT functionals and ORCA Hi all, I tried both NRSCF and AHSCF in ORCA, but I still have SCF prob= lems. I'll try NWChem when I get the chance, but I don't see why this would= n't work in ORCA. Any more thoughts? Jason On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Olexandr Isayev wrote= : Jason: DIIS is usually robust enough for most "normal" molecules. Perhaps, yours is unlucky one, please try NRSCF or AHSCF instead. Hopefully, this will help, Olexandr ________________________________ Olexandr Isayev, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry Case Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106-7078 USA Phone: 769 218-9812 Fax: 216 368-3006 On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:25, Jason D Acchioli jdacchio[a] > = wrote: Diego, Frank, and John, Many thanks for your suggestions. I tried Frank's suggestion, and things we= re going smoothly until about SCF cycle 25, where the wild oscillations aga= in took over. I used the VerySlowConv keyword as well. Any more thoughts? Jason On Sep 15, 2011, at 3:38 AM, Frank Neese wrote: Dear Diego, That is - in principle - correct, But what Jason should have done is to specify it like: ! RKS PW91 ZORA def2-SVP def2-SVP/J TightSCF PrintMOs Grid5 The "ZORA" in the input line is important so that ORCA uses the relativisti= cally recontracted all electron basis sets. Of course, alternatively one co= uld use ECPs. The rest of the %rel block is just duplicating defaults and i= s not necessary. Good luck, FN Am 15.09.2011 um 09:25 schrieb DIEGOI GOMEZ darkego21(-) Hello Jason.. I'm missing the ECP for the Pd atoms in the input file you provide us. To my knowledge, the def2-TZVP is not an all electron basis set, then you w= ould have to add in your input something like 'ECP{def2-TZVP=3DPd}' to us= e in ORCA the ECP that the program uses for this atom by default. Without t= he ECP you can get a result but probably (if not surely) it will be wrong! Regards.. Diego. Hi all, I posted the following question on the ORCA forum, but haven't heard anythi= ng (yet), so I'll throw it out here. The output file is below the message. Jason Hi all, I'm trying to run a single point / TDDFT calc on a metal-organic system. Ho= wever, the SCF does not converge after 125 cycles. I've tried the PBE, RPBE= , and revPBE XC functionals, and the same thing happens-I get an oscillatin= g SCF cycle. The same thing happens when I try the hybrid B3LYP/G functiona= l and the RIJCOSX approximation. However, if I do a B3LYP/G without the RIJ= COSX, convergence is fine. What am I doing wrong? If it is a problem with RI, can I still use any of P= W91 or PBE XC functionals (which, I believe, require auxiliary basis sets?)= ? The input is attached as a zip file. Thanks, Jason !RKS PW91 def2-SVP def2-SVP/J TightSCF PrintMOs Grid5 %output Print[P_OrbPopMO_M] 1 Print[P_FragPopMO_M] 1 end %rel method ZORA #or IORA modelpot 1,1,1,1 modeldens rhoZORA velit 137.0359895 #speed of light used end %tddft nroots 15 maxdim 64 end ! PAL4 * xyz 0 1 H(1) -4.56675 -2.48229 -0.00028 C(1) -4.57359 -1.39699 -0.00028 C(1) -5.77738 -0.69952 -0.00035 H(1) -6.71624 -1.24540 -0.00040 C(1) -5.77739 0.69938 -0.00034 H(1) -6.71628 1.24523 -0.00039 C(1) -4.57363 1.39688 -0.00028 H(1) -4.56682 2.48218 -0.00029 C(1) -3.34414 0.71339 -0.00022 C(1) -2.12293 1.43662 -0.00018 C(1) -3.34412 -0.71346 -0.00021 C(1) -2.12289 -1.43666 -0.00014 C(1) -1.05872 2.02393 -0.00013 C(1) 0.16183 2.74774 -0.00010 C(1) -1.05866 -2.02394 -0.00006 C(1) 0.16190 -2.74772 -0.00004 C(1) 0.16567 4.15310 -0.00038 C(1) 0.16578 -4.15308 -0.00027 H(1) -0.78318 -4.67691 -0.00043 C(1) 1.37444 -4.83715 -0.00028 H(1) -0.78331 4.67691 -0.00066 C(1) 1.37431 4.83720 -0.00031 C(1) 2.56419 4.10860 0.00002 H(1) 1.38849 5.92301 -0.00055 C(1) 2.49611 2.71947 0.00026 H(1) 3.53196 4.59786 0.00008 N(1) 1.33136 2.05360 0.00019 H(1) 3.38890 2.10605 0.00051 C(1) 2.56430 -4.10851 -0.00008 H(1) 1.38865 -5.92296 -0.00045 C(1) 2.49618 -2.71939 0.00013 H(1) 3.53208 -4.59774 -0.00008 N(1) 1.33141 -2.05354 0.00016 H(1) 3.38895 -2.10595 0.00028 Pd(2) 1.33817 -0.00000 0.00023 newgto "def2-TZVP" "def= 2-TZVP/J" end Cl(3) 1.43325 -0.00001 -2.35531 Cl(3) 1.43091 0.00002 2.35584 * ******************************************* Jason D'Acchioli Assistant Professor of Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2001 Fourth Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481 ******************************************* Jason D'Acchioli Assistant Professor of Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2001 Fourth Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481 ******************************************* Jason D'Acchioli Assistant Professor of Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2001 Fourth Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481 ******************************************* Jason D'Acchioli Assistant Professor of Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2001 Fourth Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481 --_000_FDCE932536422147B5592DDC55D653842B8B19E3EXCH02asuramsed_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I did not well follow your question and answers. If you have not tried S= lowConv, may try; otherwise need to adjust your initial geometry.

Good luck.

 <= /p>

Yixuan Wang, Ph.D

Assoc= iate Professor

Depar= tment of Natural Science

Alban= y State University

Alban= y, GA 31705

Tel: = 229-430-7843

 <= /p>

From: owner-ch=!^! [mailto:owner-chemistry= 3;!^!] On Behalf Of Jason D Acchioli
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 12:26 PM
To: Wang, Yixuan
Subject: CCL: Pure DFT functionals and ORCA


Hi all,


   &nb= sp;        I tried both NRSCF and= AHSCF in ORCA, but I still have SCF problems. I'll try NWChem when I get t= he chance, but I don't see why this wouldn't work in ORCA. Any more thought= s? 





On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Olexandr Isayev olexand= wrote:


DIIS is usually robust enough for most "normal" molecules.
Perhaps, yours is unlucky one, please try NRSCF or AHSCF instead.

Hopefully, this will help,

Olexandr Isayev, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7078 USA

Phone:   769 218-9812
Fax:       216 368-3006


On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:25, Jason D Acchioli jdac= chio[a] <> wrote:

Diego, Frank, and John,


Many thanks for your suggestions. I tried Frank's su= ggestion, and things were going smoothly until about SCF cycle 25, where th= e wild oscillations again took over. I used the VerySlowConv keyword as wel= l. Any more thoughts?




On Sep 15, 2011, at 3:38 AM, Frank Neese<= /a> wrote:

Dear Diego, 


That is - in principle - correct, 


But what Jason should have done is to specify it lik= e: 


! RKS PW91 ZORA def2-SVP def2-SVP/J TightSCF PrintMO= s Grid5


The "ZORA" in the input line is important = so that ORCA uses the relativistically recontracted all electron basis sets= . Of course, alternatively one could use ECPs. The rest of the %rel block i= s just duplicating defaults and is not necessary. 


Good luck,






Hello Jason..<= /o:p>


I'm missing the ECP= for the Pd atoms in the input file you provide us.


To my knowledge, th= e def2-TZVP is not an all electron basis set, then you would have to add in= your input  something like  'ECP{def2-TZVP=3DPd}' to use in ORCA the ECP that the program uses for this atom by default. Wit= hout the ECP you can get a result but probably (if not surely) it will be w= rong!






Hi all,


I posted the following question on the ORCA forum, but haven't heard any= thing (yet), so I'll throw it out here. The output file is below the messag= e. 




Hi all, 

I'm trying to run a single point / TDDFT calc on a metal-organic system. Ho= wever, the SCF does not converge after 125 cycles. I've tried the PBE, RPBE= , and revPBE XC functionals, and the same thing happens-I get an oscillatin= g SCF cycle. The same thing happens when I try the hybrid B3LYP/G functional and the RIJCOSX approximation. Ho= wever, if I do a B3LYP/G without the RIJCOSX, convergence is fine.  What am I doing wrong? If it is a problem with RI, can I still use any of P= W91 or PBE XC functionals (which, I believe, require auxiliary basis sets?)= ? The input is attached as a zip file. 




!RKS PW91 def2-SVP def2-SVP/J TightSCF PrintMOs Grid5


Print[P_OrbPopMO_M] 1

Print[P_FragPopMO_M] 1


%rel method ZORA #or IORA

modelpot 1,1,1,1

modeldens rhoZORA

velit 137.0359895 #speed of light used


%tddft nroots 15

maxdim 64


! PAL4

* xyz 0 1

H(1)         -4.56675    =   -2.48229       -0.00028

C(1)         -4.57359    =   -1.39699       -0.00028

C(1)         -5.77738    =   -0.69952       -0.00035

H(1)         -6.71624    =   -1.24540       -0.00040

C(1)         -5.77739    =    0.69938       -0.00034

H(1)         -6.71628    =    1.24523       -0.00039

C(1)         -4.57363    =    1.39688       -0.00028

H(1)         -4.56682    =    2.48218       -0.00029

C(1)         -3.34414    =    0.71339       -0.00022

C(1)         -2.12293    =    1.43662       -0.00018

C(1)         -3.34412    =   -0.71346       -0.00021

C(1)         -2.12289    =   -1.43666       -0.00014

C(1)         -1.05872    =    2.02393       -0.00013

C(1)          0.16183   &= nbsp;    2.74774       -0.00010

C(1)         -1.05866    =   -2.02394       -0.00006

C(1)          0.16190   &= nbsp;   -2.74772       -0.00004

C(1)          0.16567   &= nbsp;    4.15310       -0.00038

C(1)          0.16578   &= nbsp;   -4.15308       -0.00027

H(1)         -0.78318    =   -4.67691       -0.00043

C(1)          1.37444   &= nbsp;   -4.83715       -0.00028

H(1)         -0.78331    =    4.67691       -0.00066

C(1)         1.37431     =    4.83720       -0.00031

C(1)          2.56419   &= nbsp;    4.10860        0.00002

H(1)          1.38849   &= nbsp;    5.92301       -0.00055

C(1)          2.49611   &= nbsp;    2.71947        0.00026

H(1)          3.53196   &= nbsp;    4.59786        0.00008

N(1)          1.33136   &= nbsp;    2.05360        0.00019

H(1)          3.38890   &= nbsp;    2.10605        0.00051

C(1)          2.56430   &= nbsp;   -4.10851       -0.00008

H(1)          1.38865   &= nbsp;   -5.92296       -0.00045

C(1)          2.49618   &= nbsp;   -2.71939        0.00013

H(1)          3.53208   &= nbsp;   -4.59774       -0.00008

N(1)          1.33141   &= nbsp;   -2.05354        0.00016

H(1)          3.38895   &= nbsp;   -2.10595        0.00028

Pd(2)         1.33817    =   -0.00000        0.00023 newgto "def2-TZVP&= quot; "def2-TZVP/J" end

Cl(3)         1.43325    =   -0.00001       -2.35531

Cl(3)         1.43091    =    0.00002        2.35584




Jason D'Acchioli
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2001 Fourth Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54481
http://chemdac.uwsp.= edu



**= *****************************************
Jason D'Acchioli
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2001 Fourth Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54481
http://chemdac.uwsp.= edu





*****************************= **************
Jason D'Acchioli
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2001 Fourth Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54481
http://chemdac.uwsp.= edu




Jason D'Acchioli
Assistant Professor of Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2001 Fourth Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54481
http:/= /

