From Sat Oct 2 01:33:00 2010 From: "Raj Thakur Veer" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: clatharte (calc of deltah and deltag; Should I use readisotope option) Message-Id: <-42884-101002013135-24634-4Rv8/p1PN7vBl3MeU3w+/A^> X-Original-From: "Raj Thakur Veer" Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 01:31:34 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Raj Thakur Veer" [meandme_meandme2003!=!] Dear CCLers, In a system of clathrate having an entraped guest-gas atom (20 water molecules and 1 noble gas atom in its cage), is this the way to calculate deltaH and deltaG from Gaussian 09 Therochemistry output. deltaH= [Eo+Hcorr (of whole system)] - [Eo+Hcorr (of 20 water molec) + Eo+Hcorr (of guest atom)] Similarly deltaG would be calculated as; deltaG= [Eo+Gcorr (of whole system)] - [Eo+Gcorr (of 20 waer molec) + Eo+Gcorr (of guest atom)] Secondly, in order to calculate thermochemical data at a different temperature then default (298.15 k and 1 atm) in gaussian 09, should I use the readisotope option in gaussian 09 to use my exp. temp and pressure or I can just use freqchk command to extract data at different temp and pressures from checkpoint file I have saved from calculations which originally were done at default gaussian temp of 298k and 1 atm.for instance, if I want to extract data at 0k, 100k and 150k (or else) and 1000 atm. should I use freqchk command in gaussian to extract data at this specific temp and pressure or should i rerun gaussian calc and use readisotope option to specify my exp. temp and pressure. BUt again, should i have to rerun new calc for every temp. and pressure value. I appreciate your help. ~Titan