From Sun Aug 14 01:36:33 2005 From: "CCL" To: CCL Subject: CCL: W:mixed GAMESS input using LANL2DZ ECP Message-Id: <-28968-050814013539-8897-jTKKlThOvCLwkE03HCXsVw()> X-Original-From: "Jonas Baltrusaitis" Sent to CCL by: "Jonas Baltrusaitis" Hi everybody, I have this question about setting up a DFT/LANL2DZ ECP in GAMESS-US. I want to leave Ag atom in the input below on LANL2DZ ECP while optimize others at 6-31+G*, so now input becomes a bit confusing. How can I specify this imput? I looked for LANL2DZ ECP in EMSL basis set library, but it gave both LANL2DZ and ECP separately, so I cant just paste contraction coefficients into DATA, as usuall. ! HCO3 efective core potential CONTRL SCFTYP=RHF RUNTYP=optimize NZVAR=9 ICHARG=-1 MULT=1 NOSYM=1 UNITS=ANGS MAXIT=200 END GUESS GUESS=HUCKEL END DFT DFTTYP=B3LYP END intgrl qfmm=.f. end STATPT HESS=Guess opttol= .0005 nprt=-2 npun=-1 NSTEP=200 HSSEND=.T. END ZMAT DLC=.T. AUTO=.T. END SCF DIRSCF=.T. NPUNCH=2 END SYSTEM TIMLIM=99999999 MEMORY=30000000 END DATA AgCHO3 C1 CARBON 6.0 0.167000000 -2.081999999 -0.571000000 OXYGEN 8.0 -0.925000000 -1.435999999 -0.498000000 OXYGEN 8.0 0.429000000 -3.214999999 -0.864000000 OXYGEN 8.0 1.349327807 -1.137296605 -0.339598338 HYDROGEN 1.0 1.370129714 -3.668591478 -0.808979164 SILVER 47.0 0.026189626 -2.590964786 1.362969250 END thanks