Return-Path: From: Prof. Chan Kyung Kim To: Message-ID: <002001c21436$615f24d0$619af6a5@TEST> Subject: My message was not posted for several days. Help me!!! Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 15:32:08 +0900 Dear Computational Chemists: Using Gaussian 98 and Molden, I can generate (x,y,z) coordinates of a molecular surface with isodensity level 0.001. Using this coordinates, I want to calculate molecular surface area(and volume). Is there any program which can do that? I found two programs from CCL archive. But these programs calculate molecular surface/volume based on atomic coordinate not (x,y,z) coordinates of molecular surface. Thank you in advance. Chan Prof. Chan Kyung Kim Department of Chemistry Inha University Inchon, 402-751, Korea (Tel) +82-32-860-7684 (Fax) +82-32-867-5604 (email)