From Tue Sep 10 13:36:01 2019 From: "Fabio Gabas fabio.gabas+*" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Problem with TINKER AMOEBA simulation Message-Id: <-53841-190910055536-7654-/YluEHMfzbMvP6tzyHotwQ[]> X-Original-From: "Fabio Gabas" Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 05:55:31 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Fabio Gabas" [fabio.gabas||] Hello everybody, I am trying to use TINKER (version 8.6) to calculate the vibrational frequencies of the Deoxyguanosine molecule in vacuum, using the AMOEBABIO18 Force Field. The harmonic calculation gives good estimates (compared to DFT ones) for all the frequencies except for an OH stretching band, involved in an internal hydrogen bond. Even the distance suggests that such interaction is not correctly predicted (compared to DFT). The .key file that I am using is the following: digits 8 verbose debug parameters amoebabio18.prm bondtype morse Has someone experienced similar problems? Any suggestions or tips are welcome. Thanks, Fabio