From Mon Apr 22 14:55:00 2019 From: "David Sherrill prof.david.sherrill|-|" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Machine Learning in Science and Engineering Message-Id: <-53698-190422125444-28428-6KdPPZwe+wZ6T8RE6BRkQQ/a\> X-Original-From: David Sherrill Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000e1e40d058721526d" Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 12:54:27 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: David Sherrill [prof.david.sherrill,,] --000000000000e1e40d058721526d Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Georgia Tech will host the Machine Learning in Science and Engineering conference from June 10-12, 2019 [ ]. MLSE surveys advances in basic research that use methods of artificial intelligence, the development of new machine learning algorithms designed for science and engineering problems, and ways these methods lead to innovations across various fields. The program will include a Chemistry track co-organized by David Sherrill and David Yaron. Researchers from academia, government, and industry are invited to join us for a unique and fascinating forum on the future of research and innovation in science and engineering. Abstract submission closes April 29th. You may submit an abstract before registering. A limited number of travel grants is available to students. C. David Sherrill Georgia Institute of Technology --000000000000e1e40d058721526d Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Georgia= Tech will host the Machine Learning in Science and Engineering conference = > from June 10-12, 2019 [=C2=A0http://mlse.ideas.gatech.ed= u/ ]. =C2=A0MLSE surveys advances in basic research that use met= hods of artificial intelligence, the development of new machine learning al= gorithms designed for science and engineering problems, and ways these meth= ods lead to innovations across various fields.=C2=A0 The program will inclu= de a Chemistry track co-organized by David Sherrill and David Yaron.=C2=A0 = Researchers from academia, government, and industry are invited to join us = for a unique and fascinating forum on the future of research and innovation= in science and engineering.=C2=A0 Abstract submission closes April 29th. Y= ou may submit an abstract before registering. A limited number of travel gr= ants is available to students.

C.= David Sherrill
Georgia Institute of Technology
--000000000000e1e40d058721526d-- From Mon Apr 22 18:36:01 2019 From: "Kenneth Ruud" To: CCL Subject: CCL: ISTCP-X: Early-bird registration deadline closes April 30 2019 Message-Id: <-53699-190422163414-19263-gtvYJwapujSrFo5NB0D/> X-Original-From: "Kenneth Ruud" Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 16:34:10 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Kenneth Ruud" [kenneth.ruud-,] We would like to remind you that early-bird registration for the 10th Congress of the International Society of Theoretical Chemical Physics closes on April 30 2019. This will also be the final day for reserving hotel rooms at reduced rates at our collaborating hotels. Registration at a somewhat higher price will still be possible until June 16. Please visit the conference web pages at for more information, registration and abstract submission. The ISTCP Congresses showcase the achievements and advances of all areas of theoretical chemical physics, with special emphasis on the interaction between experimental and theoretical physical chemistry, chemical physics, materials and life sciences. This years congress will feature 202 invited speakers. There are 12 plenary speakers, whereas the rest of the presentations will be given in parallel sessions organized around 14 scientific tracks. For the complete list of speakers, please see our web pages: http://istcp- On behalf of the organizing committees, Kenneth Prof. Kenneth Ruud Chair, ISTCP-X UiT The Arctic University of Norway Telephone/mobile: +47 77623101/+47 90098353