From Wed Oct 31 13:07:00 2018 From: "Etienne Derat" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Do you want to sign our Open Letter on Plan S? Message-Id: <-53534-181031074358-5173-utj3n+EtNhiPXOFd6OXpDQ#,> X-Original-From: "Etienne Derat" Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 07:43:56 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Etienne Derat" [] Dear Colleagues, You may have heard about Plan S, which was announce on September 4 2018. We wrote a long response to this here: unethical-too-risky/ The goals are nobel, but it means that if Plan S is implemented, from 1st January 2020 we will have to publish in pure Open Access journals (no hybrids), 85% of journals we currently publish in will be banned, and it will be a huge push for gold open access publishing. We have outlined some more points here: JLIE/edit?usp=sharing We are collecting signatures, with the goal of distributing this letter to funders, academies, university leadership, research institutions, politicians, et al. Are you willing to sign this letter? If so, can you please either sign directly on the Google Doc (using the same signature formatting), or alternately email me and ask me to add you? All researchers at any level (PhD, Masters, Postdoc, Professor, Research Engineer, anyone), and can you please also share this with colleagues either directly or departmental mailing lists who may be interested to sign? The stakeholders around the table have been commercial companies and others with built in conflict of interest. It is time for researchers voices to be hear, and there is so much on the line! Please note also that they plan to take this Global, so it affects you even if you are not in Europe. Best regards, Lynn Kamerlin and Etienne Derat